Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I got to take this little man to his 2 month check up...
We are still recovering.
Weight: 11 1/2 lbs (35%)
Height: 22 3/4 inches (37%)
Head: 15 1/2 inches (30%)
He was so good when he got his shots, he didn't scream, he did that heartbreaking whimper cry with his sweet little pouty face that said, "How could you do this to me?" It literally broke my heart. After his appointment I went down to the pharmacy to get him some infant Tylenol, the lady that was helping me started talking to Ty and asked him about his shots; to which he started pouting again and gave a whimpering sigh and started telling her the whole story, he really is the sweetest thing.

I thought he would be in higher percentiles since everyone tells me how big he is and are so surprised he is only 2 months. I am finding that its more his mannerisms, he doesn't act like he is 2 month! He doesn't like to cuddle, he has been rolling over since 3 weeks, he likes to be held up like in this picture, he farts ALL the time (just like his dad) he loves to stand up on his legs, he turns his head in every way possible, and he hates to go to sleep like a 2 year old!

Does this look like a 2 month old to you??