Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cancun: Xcaret

Going to Xcaret was one of our favorite days. There were so many things to see and do! This place was huge, we spent the whole day here and still weren't able to do everything. But we loved all the things we were able to do.

 Dan's favorite thing was all the ladies, he couldn't get enough of them! These pictures make me laugh so hard :)
 They had a lot of cool shows. There night show was awesome, it had some boring parts, but it was really cool to learn about different cultures and to see all the crazy stuff they used to do. Their costumes were crazy, some of them just had body paint all over them like the guy on the right. 

 They had this underground house/mansion thing. It was pretty neat but I hate being below the ground, I am always convinced an earthquake is going to happen when I am down below. I bet a lot of people felt that way so thats why they had all this super old wine stashed down there :) Some of them had like an inch of dust on them!

 That was a real tree. It's roots are hanging from the ceiling! 

 Here is another fun costume. When the guy crouches down like this he looks like an owl... Thats what we are trying to be, but I think thats what you do to look like a raccoon...

We spent the majority of the day snorkeling. I wish I would've taken more pictures, but it seems like at the best times you forget to take a picture because you are enjoying yourself so much! Snorkeling at Xcaret was a lot of fun. I am pretty sure I saw an eel. It had red/yellowish eyes, creepy! I feel like I enjoyed snorkeling here the most because I felt safe. There were a lot of people around and you didn't have to swim too far from land to find awesome fish. That's my kind of snorkeling!

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