Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I love family traditions! Icing shortbread nuggets has been in our family since before I was born.  I remember introducing them to Danny last year, and was so offended because he didn't think they were "amazing" like I said they were.  What is his problem?... absolutely nothing because since then I have come to learn that any person outside our family doesn't think anything special about these delicious cookies!  It is the fun memories and yearly tradition of icing them that makes them so tasty and something we all look forward to every year!!... so now, a year later, Danny is part of the family and thinks they are amazing :)


Jan/Mom/Gma Vogie said...

yes they are amazing...even though Danny thought he could try and "break tradition" with his "new and improved" 2008 way of decorating a 1950 recipe cookie...
yeah, we out voted him!!
Love you Danny!! :)

XO said...

Ha! I'm eating one right now!

I'm surprised how easily Danny converted. Joel's still standing his ground that they don't even taste good. That's okay though, because like Devin says: How can you trust someone who has dinner for breakfast?