Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Most Competitive Family

This is my family's idea of a "Fun Night" and it actually does start out fun. We play around the world so everyone can join in, once you get three strikes you sit out. After the third game its just not enough to be a winner... you now have to be acknowledged if you are a loser. I don't know about you but I see "pride" written all over my poor brothers back!
I can't believe this is considered a game.


Jan/Mom/Gma Vogie said...

I take no claim on this part of being the parent! Hearing the "OUCH SCREAMS" coming up through the floor boards is almost more then I can handle... you guys are sick!! And they go back for more and more and...

Erin said...

wow... I'm speechless! lol - your hubby looks so proud as well.. should I be nervous for you?? ;)

XO said...

Is this a different night? I remember the one I was here for...boys boys boys.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny! The two different shoe thing is so something I would do and have done! we need to hang out soon! Call me when you get a chance!

Aaron and Rachel said...

hey guys we just found your blog, it looks like you are doing a lot of fun things. we should all get together and go do something fun sometime!