Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bitter Sweet

One thing that Ty looks forward to every night is reading "Huggle Buggle Bear" before he goes to bed. Dan and I take turns every night reading to him because its so much fun and neither of us want to miss out on it. Well, last night was my turn ...
... but I didn't get a turn. Ty was crying so hard when I took him from his dad to read to him in his room. The second Dan walked in he stopped crying and ran to him. That was the bitter part for me, seeing that Ty wanted his dad to read to him, not me. I had to laugh at myself when I realized I was feeling hurt by a 19 month old. I know he wasn't trying to hurt my feelings, he is just growing up and is starting to have his own opinion of what or who he wants. The sweet part was peeking in the room and seeing how happy he was sitting in his dads lap listening to his favorite story. It definitely was a bitter/sweet moment for me.


Amber said...

oh my goodness, I totally understand that! It does make us Moms a little sad when our babies turn to big boys and prefer Dad over us. I am hoping to keep my 2nd child a Mammas girl....wonder how long it will actually last?? :)

XO said...

Awww! That's really sweet - but hard when it's something you look forward to all day and then it's taken away from you. Sigh. There's always Gabe to brainwash....

Janene said...

Aww. I totally see this in my future. Distant future, hopefully! A few weeks ago I was wondering if my little girl even likes hanging out with me all day long. You know, because she hadn't even cracked a smile yet. And then, one evening she gave me a wide-mouth grin when Aaron was near me. Later, he felt a tiny worried about the same reasons. It's great to know that those small, sad feelings are just the beginning ;-)