Thursday, February 23, 2012

January 25

I never post about my birthday. I think mainly because the last two years I have been pregnant and very sick so there was nothing really to post about. This year I turned 26 and was feeling pretty depressed about the number part. 25 just sounds so much younger! Anyways, during the day I was home taking care of my two favorite babies just like most normal days. I am sure that is how it is for most adults on their birthday as well. For some reason though every year I feel like it needs to be celebrated All. Day. Long. I have my mom to thank for this one because thats exactly what she did for us. Birthdays were a very big deal growing up, and I want to make it that way for our kids as well. (I just need to remember that I am not the kid anymore)

Dan took me out to dinner and all night was saying he was gonna take me to some show. I was trying to act happy but I couldn't think of any fun shows that were here and I knew the Jazz were playing and I am in love with them and well I really wanted to go! ... he got me good. He surprised me with tickets to the Jazz game and then we just laughed about how upset I was and how I can never hide it. Maybe that should be a goal for my 26th year of life.

Spending time with just Dan was really the best present. When we go out it feels like there are no responsibilities and nothing to worry about, and thats really just what I need. I love little breaks from normal life. )


Kimber said...

Heather! Happy golden birthday! I feel like I can totally relate to everything you wrote about in this post. Why does 26 seem so old? Why can't we just be selfish and do whatever we want all day long? These are questions I asked myself this past weekend. But, just remember that you are so special to those boys, your family and friends. And, you get prettier every year!!

Cody & Chantel said...

Oh man it's good to hear this...I'm coming up on 25 this next month and already dreading it. 24 just sounds so much younger! ;) Your boys are beautiful...yes, beautiful. I hope to run into you again soon...