Friday, January 21, 2011

7 1/2 Months

Finally some pictures of my Little Ty. He is 7 1/2 months old and can I just say how much I LOVE this stage! His personality is coming out more and more. I feel like I can actually play with him and he responds to me. His laugh is the most contagious thing, he shakes his head NO to everything and he is crawling everywhere! Even though I have to watch him like a hawk now, I would rather it be this way because two weeks ago he WAS NOT the happiest baby. He would get so frustrated because he was stuck in his little rolling circle that he couldn't get out of and couldn't get anywhere he wanted to. Now he is exploring his huge world called
"Our Home" :)

Ty doesn't act like a baby very often but there are a few things he just can't let go of... Like The Swaddle. As you can see in this picture his swaddle is barely put together enough to be called one. There are huge rips and holes everywhere, but still he wants it for every nap and when he goes down for the night. Hey if this helps him sleep better, I can hold on to this one for as long as he wants!

Another thing about him is his FAVORITE toy is a Tag. Thats right any tag on a toy, blanket, clothing, whatever, wherever, if its a tag, he is all over it! He plays with it, sucks on it, sings to it, rubs it on his cheek... It makes him so happy, it is the funniest thing! Oh and if you look closely in this picture you can see his adorably, crooked two bottom teeth.
This little guy is for sure going to be seeing the orthodontist!!


andrew and brittani said...

He's such a cutie!! I have an uncle nicknamed Tag, because of this same habit. He did it from the beginning and still as a 35 year old man he will rub his own shirt tag, or his wife's so a pillow's etc. It' crazy funny!

XO said...

Only you would notice a baby's crooked teeth. You are so funny.

Ben loves tags too, still does. He'll take off his shirt at night just to sleep with the tag in his finger.

Ashley said...

LOVE that little guy!

Jan/Mom/Gma Vogie said...

He is so dang cute!! :)