Saturday, May 21, 2011

im so glad when daddy comes home...

We are SO happy that daddy is finally home! He left us for three weeks to sale security systems, and can I just say it was a lot harder than I thought it would be! It got pretty lonely at times, and I was so exhausted by the end of each day (I think being prego, working, and having Ty may have had something to do with that) but it did help me realize what a helpful husband I have and how we are lucky to be able to see each other every day. Ty knew that something was different, he couldn't get enough of grandpa and his uncles and he also started calling my phone "dada"

Since Dan has been home Ty is literally attached to his hip! It is really cute but I am sure Dan is feeling like he can't accomplish much. Every time he leaves the room Ty follows him, when he is working in his office Ty is by his door crying for him to come out. Dan went outside to take some pictures of his paintings and Ty was heart broken that he wasn't allowed to come out with him. This picture breaks my heart too but I had to post it because its so dang cute at the same time. I am still trying to figure out where he gets his sensitivity from...


Christina said...

Aww! That is such a sad picture but you can't help but smile :) I can't believe how big he has got in the past month. He is sooo cute!

XO said...

I love the "sad" picture - it says it all. I'm so glad you have him back...