Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ty's Birthday

I know this sounds SO cliche, but seriously, where did time go? A year ago today I held this tiny baby in my arms...
And now I have a BIG One Year Old?! A little bit about our Ty Ty: He can stand up by himself but when he realizes it he sits down, he still loves his bottles, he eats basically anything we give him but his favorites are watermelon and tomatoes, he loves his "da da" he is such a good napper (two 2 hour naps a day) He waves bye bye when he is tired or wants to go outside, he took his first step two days ago, he loves books (monkey jumping on the bed) he loves to give kisses, he still gets into everything (we just put locks on all cabinets) he still puts everything in his mouth, he dances whenever he hears music, he still doesn't cuddle much but when he does its with his mom :)

He LOVED his cake! I didn't think he would get into it, but he did! His lap was covered I had to rinse him off in the sink, he loved it.

He got spoiled with presents. Grandma Vogie got him this cute hat and he kept it on for most of the night, he looked adorable.

I have mentioned how much he loves music, this little keyboard was a favorite for sure!

He has always been more serious than smiley
Happy Birthday our Sweet Little Ty. You have brought more love and joy into our lives than we could have hoped for. We love you forever!!


XO said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TY!!! Great pictures - thanks for posting them. I hate that I miss out on this kind of stuff. LOVE YOU!!

Christina said...

Happy Birthday TY!! Wish we could have been there too. We miss you guys!!

Jan/Mom/Gma Vogie said...

"That's okay, my Grandma Vogie was there!" :)