Sunday, June 26, 2011

Clocks a Tickin

I am feeling the need to talk more, a lot more about this handsome little man. The clock is ticking and baby number two is gonna be here SO soon and I don't want to forget all the funny things that Ty is doing right now. He is so stinkin stubborn! He will not put on a show for anyone, he likes to do things his way, on his time, and how he likes it... So no he is STILL not walking! I get more nervous after each week goes by because I don't think I can carry a baby and a toddler at the same time!... I guess I'll just figure that one out when I have to. Other things, he loves to wear hats, he gives "high fives", blows on his food, if you point at him he will point back, STILL pooping in the tub on a weekly basis, his back molar is coming in so he has been a terrible eater, Everyone compliments on how blue his eyes are, He won't drink from a sippy so we are still doing the bottle thing (any ideas on this would be awesome) he blows kisses, he knows how to point to his "eyes" and his "hair", Speaking of hair he loves to brush his own hair and he closes his eyes when he does it, and my favorite for now is he will say "tickie tickie" in a high voice and tickle your feet or neck, it's adorable!!

I am sure I am missing things that he is doing because my brain is so scattered with all the things I need to be doing! I feel like I have been working a lot lately, which makes me feel bad. I feel like this time I have with Ty is so limited because once the baby is here it's gonna be hard to give him all the attention that I can give him now. So my days off we have been playin and taking advantage of the sun at parks and pools.
I think the pool is probably his favorite place to be right now... Along with me :) This heat has been killing me, but being in the cool water has been saving me!! Anyways, Ty loves being in the water, splashing, blowing bubbles, and throwing the tennis ball back and forth. I still can't believe he is going to be a big brother so soon. I feel like I am more nervous for this one to come than I was for Ty to come. But at the same time I feel so blessed that we are able to have another baby and I know eventually it will be so fun for these little guys being so close in age to grow up together. Families are the best!


Kaeloni said...

He gets cuter every post! Can't believe you have such little time left before the new baby arrives! As for the bottle thing we found a sippy cup that has both a bottle type nipple and a sippy cup and it seemed to work pretty well for us...but she never had a bottle. It was a nuby brand.

andrew and brittani said...

he's a cutie!! the poop in the tub is hilarious

XO said...

Have you tried those "take and toss" sippy cups at walmart? They have ones with a straw lid that my kids really like.

Good thing you posted this when you did, eh?

Janene said...

Oh wow! He has gorgeous eyes!! You make such a beautiful mommy!!!