Friday, June 8, 2012

Ty is Two

 Our little Ty turned two! I seriously couldn't sleep the night before because I was so excited for him to wake up and open his presents. He seemed to love all of his gifts but the best reaction goes to his tricycle and the most played with would be his backpack that he wore basically all day!

I am glad we kept the day simple because he was so happy to have McDonalds for lunch and spend most of the day at the park. Easy for me, fun for him!

I know Mom's are always saying how they can't believe how quickly their kids grow up, but it is SO true! I can't believe that it has been two years since we had this angel and brought him home. It is the most rewarding thing to be a Mom, especially on days like this. Ty has not hit the "terrible two's" yet, he is still the most sweetest and sensitive kid ever. He seriously seems to be so sincere with everything he says and does, I hope he stays that way forever!


Erin said...

Happy birthday little man!!! :) He is growing up too fast! Sounds like you all had a great day :)

jayni & ben said...

Happy late birthday Ty. I seriously love this age. it is so much fun!!