Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Made it to 33 weeks!

Well, barely made it.
Last week was seriously crazy. On Monday I had my normal 32 week appointment. Heartbeat sounded great, and everything else seemed to be going well. As the doctor kept talking to me though and the more questions he asked we both felt like maybe I should be checked just to make sure I wasn't dilated. I really didn't think I was but when he checked me I was at a 2. In a lot of pregnancies that may not be a big deal, but with my history it was. So I had to come back the next day to do a test to see if my possibility of having her in the next two weeks was high and they wanted to check me again. Luckily I was still a 2 and the test came back negative so I only had a 2% chance of having her in the next week or so. Before I left the office my doctor said that I should take it easy and that if I had more than 6 contractions in an hour that I needed to go straight to the hospital. Two nights later Dan and I were up playing tetris and I started paying attention to how close my contractions were getting. I had 8 in 23 minutes and they were starting to get more intense with each one. What really started scaring me was how my body just suddenly felt so nervous and I couldn't stop shaking. We called my mom and decided that I should go and get checked, especially since this was the EXACT day I had Gabe when I was pregnant with him. My dad ran over and stayed with the boys while we ran to the hospital. I really thought we would be in an out but after getting me hooked up to everything they checked me and I was at a 3... not what I wanted to hear. They decided to give me a shot to help slow down the contractions, which they did but I was still having them every 5 minutes or so. After a few hours of being there they decided they wanted to keep me for 24 hours, I was not expecting that at all! They got me set up in a room and had everything ready just in case I had her. They even hooked me up to an IV and gave me the antibiotics I need when I have a baby. I also got two steroid shots to help the babies lung develop quicker. Those 24 hours were awful. It was hard to have to lay in the bed all day, have those two monitors strapped to my stomach, and all the side effects I was having from the pills was making it so I couldn't fall asleep. And I missed my boys, so so much. As hard as it was there were a few good things that happened. 1. My mom came by with the boys for awhile so I got to spend some time with them. 2. My nurse let me walk around for 5 minutes. 3. I had the best chicken salad croissant sandwich for lunch, I have been craving it ever since!
Friday evening they let me go home, I can't explain how relieved I was. I was terrified they were going to make me stay another 24 hours. Since I have been home its been rough, but I can't say enough how grateful I am to be at home instead of at the hospital. I am on full bed rest, which is teaching me so many things and I really am trying to see the good out of all of this. 1. My baby is healthy and safe and still growing inside of me. 2. I have the most amazing husband who has stepped up and been playing Dad and Mom without one complaint. 3. We have the greatest ward who has been bringing meals over every night and helping Dan watch the boys during the day so he can work.
As hard as this time is, I really do feel so blessed.


Kaeloni said...

Scary! Glad she's still hanging in there!

andrew and brittani said...

Hope our adventures last night didn't put you into labor!! You're a cute pregnant lady, even if you have to stay on the couch all day.