Wednesday, March 28, 2012

9 months

Gabe had his 9 month check up today, here are his stats:
Length: 26.5 in (1%)
Weight: 17.28 lbs (12%)
Head: 17.75 in (53%)
I am so excited that he is on the charts for all three things now! The doctor is thinking he will be all the way caught up when he is 18 months, it used to be 15 months so I am just gonna plan on 24 months. :)

Some things that he is doing right now; rolling around everywhere, just started sitting up on his own, making lots of noises especially "da da", tries to scoot when he can't reach something, yells really loud if he is upset or way excited. His two favorite things are splashing in the tub and being held. He had two teeth on the bottom come in at the same time a few weeks ago, he is not a fun teether so we are glad they FINALLY broke through!

This little dude is such a joy in my life! I just look at him sometimes and feel so proud of all the things he has accomplished in his 9 months of life. I love being his mom.

1 comment:

Jan/Mom/Gma Vogie said...

Oh my gosh he is so dang cute!! He is just the sweetest little guy Heather. The only think that touches my heart more then looking at him and feeling such gratitude for his life, is looking at you look at him!!