Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Big Boys

I honestly can't believe how quickly these boys are growing up. Ty has just blown us away with how fast he is learning and growing. He must know that he is a big brother and trying to step it up. Its exciting to watch them have moments of interaction. Ty is so ready to have a best friend to play with all the time around the house, sometimes I feel ready for this to happen as well! I am trying really hard to not want my baby to grow up quicker than he has to because I know its going to happen in the blink of an eye! Gabe is catching up a lot faster than we thought in growth and development and for that we are very grateful. He as an appointment next week so I am really excited to see how much farther up the chart he may be.

They are both at completely different stages so it can be lot of fun, and it can also be really crazy at times. Thats just how life goes, crazy for awhile and then life is good. I have been feeling like things are getting easier so of course I am wandering whats going to happen now! Isn't it so funny how most of us girls think?!


M & T Peterson said...

I have those moments where I think, we've finally got this figured out.... Then it makes me wonder what crazy experience is right around the corner! Cute boys.

XO said...

I love those faces! Aunt Lauren kept saying how much Jake looks like Ty. It's adorable - I think they have the same smile, but your child's hair actually looks nice...