Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 14

Yesterday was Dan's 30th Birthday!! I was so excited that I woke up at 6:30 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I put a lot of time and planning into his birthday and I was so excited to see how everything would pan out. The day started with a breakfast of his choice, veggie omelets and rollie pollies. delicious. Then he worked the morning while I took care of the boys and got some last minute things done for the day. My first surprise was taking him to the Provo Beach Resort. I didn't even know this place existed until the beginning of this year when I went to see a movie with friends and we had time to kill so we went over there and checked it out. The second I saw the artificial wave I knew I was gonna take Dan there for his birthday. If you all remember the cruise we went on, Dan lived by the artificial wave. Seriously, on our honeymoon I woke up every morning to an empty bed. He was already up and out riding on the wave.
He couldn't get enough of it!
This pic is from our honeymoon, too much fun!

4 years later and a few shades lighter, we still had a lot of fun :) We spent the afternoon surfing, boogie boarding, and laughing so hard because we fell every two seconds. When we got home he opened his gifts and got a bunch of shirts and some boring stuff that he needed. The thing I was SO excited to give him is what I have been working on for a couple of months. I had all of his friends and family write him letters of favorite memories and things they wanted to say about him and made a book out of it. We sat down and read them together, I loved watching his reaction to all the funny memories and sweet notes that were written by people that he loves.

My favorite page was the one I put together of Ty and Gabe. I knew there needed to be something from them, but they are so young and can't do anything like that by themselves. I decided to do something really cheesy and write their letters for them! I was hesitant at first because we don't really do the cheesy stuff and I didn't know what he would think of it. I won't go into detail about tears, but watching him read those two letters I knew he didn't think of it like that. He told me that page meant more to him than anything in that book.

We had dinner at Texas Roadhouse (our favorite place to eat) and had some friends meet us there to celebrate. So Much Fun. We have the best friends and always have good times when we get together. Dan was not excited about getting on the saddle, but he did and I ate the ice cream so it was worth it.:)

I can't stop thinking about yesterday and how much fun we had. I love birthdays!! Dan and I woke up this morning and felt like we were on a vacation and needed to do something crazy today. Not every birthday is going to be like this one, but I am glad I did it this year and what the heck? I am married to a 30 year old!!

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